San Diego Center for
AIDS Research (SD CFAR)
Implementation Science Hub

Who We Are

The SD CFAR Implementation Science Hub was established in 2020 with funding from the National Institutes of Health to accelerate Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Initiative research. The SD CFAR Implementation Science Hub provides consultation and technical assistance to EHE project teams from across the United States and coordinates and collaborates with the NIH-funded Implementation Science Coordination, Consultation, and Collaboration Initiative.

Specific Aims

Refine and

Refine and deliver our established consultation and technical assistance program tailored to the needs and preferences of Ending the HIV Epidemic projects that consists of coaching and training on Implementation Science designs, frameworks, strategies, measures, outcomes, and community-academic partnerships.

Iterate and

Iterate and launch a multi-modal process for coordination between the Coordination, Consultation, and Data Management Center and the Implementation Science Hub to facilitate translation of local knowledge to generalizable knowledge.


Conduct a mixed-method evaluation of the impact of the San Diego CFAR IS Hub on proximal Ending the HIV Epidemic project and Hub outcomes (e.g., increased HIV investigator knowledge of Implementation Science methods; advancement of Implementation Science methods and tools; strengthened stakeholder engagement) and identify indicators of hub sustainment.


Strengthen collaborations with the Regional Implementation Science Hubs to develop, host, and evaluate a HIV Implementation Science mentoring program, Implementation Science methods training events, and multi-site implementation studies, and develop capacity-building resources.

Ending the HIV Epidemic Projects


Session 12: Leveraging Implementation and Community Engagement to Advance Equitable Artificial Intelligence

Register here


October 3, 2024 9-10:30am Pacific Time


Omar Martinez, JD, MPH, MS and Huanmei Wu, Ph.D, MS

Session 11

Leveraging AI with implementation science methods to advance patient engagement and health equity


Katy E. Trinkley, PharmD, PhD, BCACP, FCCP, Anna Maw, MD, MS, Foster Goss, DO, MMSc, FACEP, ABPM-CI


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